Thursday, December 06, 2007

Observation 1

I am coming home in a couple weeks. Um. Let me repeat: I AM COMING HOME IN 13 DAYS! For a visit, you know? To mark this momentous occasion, I will be posting my favorite cultural observations I've made here in Burkina Faso. So sit tight, and prepare yourself for an explosion of cultural enlightenment.

Observation #1: Burkinabé and their fashion sense...when it's cold

Ever wonder where your old STARTER brand Dallas Cowboys pull-over winter jacket wound up when you realized that they weren't the football sensation of the mid-nineties and you grew tired of the stuffed nylon look complete with the below-the-breast, team logo embossed pocket flap and removable hood and decided to throw away -- i mean, donate -- this relic of the Operation: Desert Storm era to your place of worship's annual coat drive? If you guessed the Sub-Saharan over-baked West African hot spot Burkina Faso, you're probably correct!

The cold season is upon us here in the Faso (this morning got down to 67°). Much like last year, my burkinabé colleagues have once again reminded me that if I sleep outside, or even wear nothing more than a light jacket in the morning, i'll "surely die." These assurances have yet to bear fruit. Even the most fashionable of dressers risk social castigation by sporting socks as hand mittens and Princess Leah earmuffs. Up until a day ago, I had a favorite Burkinabé cold season style, which was the removable hood without the accompanying coat look. But yesterday, as I was sitting on a bus (transport is the best place to spot the latest in Burkinabé fashion), I saw what was quite possibly the most ridiculous outfit IN EXISTENCE. Picture this: baby blue 100% plastic Keds knock-offs (so far, normal, as this is the footwear of choice for the Fulani of the Sahel), burnt sienna slacks, complete with pleats and cuffs (fashion faux-pas to the max, but again, signature Burkinabé), forest green turtleneck covered with a navy blue blazer sans buttons, and the icing on the cake, a very loud teal green wool ski mask, covering his entire face, save his eyes and his mouth. I guess the fact that I didn't immediately think we were being robbed is testiment to my level of acculturation here, but no length of time here could have prepared me for this gentleman's fashion ensemble. He looked like Space Ghost hosting a Christmas party. That, or Gumby posing in a Sears Catalog.

During the cold season, all fashion bets are off. The Burkinabé will take any shred of fabric and make sure it is in some way warming their bodies.

Stay tuned for volume two of Joel's favorite cultural observations: Everyone loves Joel's arm hair.

1 comment:

hootenannie said...

"Gumby posing in a Sears catalog"??? That's brilliant. I laughed out loud here in NYC.

So excited to see you in KC!